Filmy, knihy, hry

Massimo Vacchetta 25 gramů štěstí Provedení: Audio download
69 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 19.09.2024
 „Tak proč to děláš? Co máš z ježků?”„Mám z nich radost.”„Mohl by ses o něj teď na ty dva dny postarat?”Takhle nějak začalo přátelství veterináře Massima, specializujícího se na dobytek, s opuštěným ježečkem. Mláďátko staré sotva pár dní je celé červené a na hřbetu má proužek bílých, měkkých a trochu rozcuchaných bodlin. Váží pouhých 25 gramů a slabounce kňourá: má hlad, je mu zima anebo se možná cítí osaměle. Plakání je tak zoufalé, že pronikne i skrz Massimův obranný štít tvořený apatií a silou zvyku. A tak se stalo, že Ninna – rozcuchaný ježeček byla samička – obrátila kouzlem své osobnosti jeho život naruby. Je zvědavá a jakmile vycítí něco nového, vystrčí čumáček ze svého úkrytu; je velmi hravá a baví se tím, že čenichem převrací misku s vodou; je něžná a když Massima delší dobu nevidí, samou radostí ho pak olíže. Zároveň je to ale volně žijící zvíře, které potřebuje svobodu: klec je mu čím dál těsnější a štěstí nachází venku v lesích…Massimo Vacchetta v této knize vypráví o neobvyklém setkání, které mu pomohlo překonat špatné období a vnuklo mu nový smysl: založit záchrannou stanici pro ježky, vinou naší nepozornosti ohrožený druh, a postarat se o ty, kteří pomoc potřebují. Tak jako Trilly, zapřísáhlý donchuán, nebo křehká Lisa, jež si všechny okolo získala svým pohledem, nebo Zoe, jemuž se podařilo odrazit všechny rány osudu. Zraněná, týraná, bezbranná zvířátka, která ovšem překypují touhou po životě. Autoři:Massimo Vacchetta - žije v severoitalském městě Novello, poblíž francouzských hranic. Jako privátní veterinář se přes dvacet let specializuje na dobytek. V roce 2014 otevřel Záchrannou stanici „Ninna” (Centro di Recupero Ricci „La Ninna”), odloučené pracoviště záchranné stanice v Brenezzu. Je předsedou asociace „Domov pro ježky” (La Casa dei ricci), jejímž záměrem je ochrana ježků a přírody.Antonella Tomaselli - je spolupracovnicí týdeníku Confidenze tra amiche (Důvěrná sdělení mezi kamarádkami; Mondadori) a literárního blogu věnujícího se ochraně zvířat Jakožto odvěká kynoložka se postarala o režii mnoha tematických dokumentů. Aktivně se věnuje zvyšování povědomí lidí o opouštění domácích mazlíčků (Alegra Yes I Am). Je čestnou předsedkyní italské společnosti milovníků jorkšírských teriérů (Società Italiana Amatori Yorkshire Terrier). Napsala řadu knih o různých psích rasách a tematických článků do časopisů.
Henry III (Penguin Monarchs): A Simple and God-Fearing King (Church Stephen)(Mass Market Paperbound)
238 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Henry III was a medieval king whose long reign continues to have a profound impact on us today. He was on the throne for 56 years and during this time England was transformed from being the private play-thing of a French speaking dynasty into a medieval state in which the king answered for his actions to an English parliament, which emerged during Henry's lifetime. Despite Henry's central importance for the birth of parliament and the development of a state recognisably modern in many of its institutions, it is Henry's most vociferous opponent, Simon de Montfort, who is in many ways more famous than the monarch himself. Henry is principally known today as the driving force behind the building of Westminster Abbey, but he deserves to be better understood for many reasons - as Stephen Church's sparkling account makes clear.Part of the Penguin Monarchs series:
House of Names (Toibin Colm)(Paperback / softback)
246 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Corporate Governance: Cycles of Innovation, Crisis and Reform (Clarke Thomas)(Paperback)
1 481 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
This critical work explores the central dynamic of industrial capitalism - the cycle of brilliant innovation, catastrophic crisis, and the painful process of corporate governance reform. Coverage includes cycles of crisis and regulation, financial bubbles, including the global financial crisis, and digital disruption. Finally, the current crisis of industry induced climate change that now imperils the world is considered. Corporate Governance: Cycles of Innovation, Crisis and Reform is essential reading for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of Corporate Governance, International Business and Business and Management Studies. Thomas Clarke is Emeritus Professor of Management at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and an international corporate governance
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960 -1999 Memorial Tributes in the One Hundred Sixth Congress of the United States (United States Congress Senate)(Paperback)
424 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
The BiblioGov Project is an effort to expand awareness of the public documents and records of the U.S. Government via print publications. In broadening the public understanding of government and its work, an enlightened democracy can grow and prosper. Ranging from historic Congressional Bills to the most recent Budget of the United States Government, the BiblioGov Project spans a wealth of government information. These works are now made available through an environmentally friendly, print-on-demand basis, using only what is necessary to meet the required demands of an interested public. We invite you to learn of the records of the U.S. Government, heightening the knowledge and debate that can lead from such
Beginners' Upholstery Techniques (James David)(Paperback)
387 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Be it a complex armchair or a simple dining chair, plenty of people find the idea of upholstering their own furniture especially daunting. Expert upholsterer and author David James guides readers through a wide range of techniques with clear, step-by-step instructions. Beginner's Upholstery Techniques contains information on tools and materials as well as a guide to choosing the right fabric. Packed with inspirational, creative ideas that can be adapted for any item of furniture, this comprehensive and revised guide is the must-have companion for any budding
100 Bullets Omnibus Vol. 2 (Azzarello Brian)(Pevná vazba)
2 730 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
One gun. One hundred bullets. Zero consequences. The Eisner Award-winning and bestselling crime graphic novel series 100 Bullets collection continues in this incredible omnibus volume! If your life was destroyed, and you knew that those responsible would never be held to account, how far would you go to get revenge? If you were given a chance to kill anyone you wanted, with a guarantee that the law could not touch you, would you take it? That's the opportunity that a man called Agent Graves provides, in the form of a special case containing a gun, a hundred rounds of ammunition, and total immunity for their use. To the damaged and downtrodden living on the fringes of society, Graves's offer is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to even their scores. But beyond the fundamental dilemma of whether or not to pull the trigger, there is a deeper and even more troubling
Up Your Ass; And a Young Girl's Primer on How to Attain to the Leisure Class (Solanas Valerie)(Paperback)
329 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
I'm so female I'm subversive. Valerie Solanas. Readers of SCUM Manifesto! Behold as the literary heritage of Valerie Solanas redoubles before your eyes. This volume presents two rarities of Valerie Solanas. The legendary play Up Your Ass (1965/1967). And the story A Young Girl's Primer on How to Attain to the Leisure Class (1966). Valerie Solanas (1936-1988) self-published a mimeographed edition of these two literary pieces in 1967, sold in select New York bookstores. For over two decades she tried to get her controversial play staged, but Up Your Ass wasn't turned into a theatre production until 2000. A Young Girl's Primer was first published in the men's magazine Cavalier in 1966, and republished in the feminist newspaper Majority Report in 1975.Those who fail to notice the satirical intentions of Solanas in SCUM
Parallel Hells (Craig Leon)(Paperback)
381 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024
Murmel, Murmel, Murmel Early Reader (Munsch Robert)(Pevná vazba)
377 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Favorite stories from Robert Munsch in an early reader format kids will love! Adapted from the originals so beginner readers can proudly say "I read this myself!" What in the world is Robin going to do with the baby she finds in her sandbox? "Murmel, murmel, murmel," is all Robin hears coming from a hole in her sandbox. When she reaches down and out pops a baby, she finds herself in a real fix: who will take care of it? Robin's too little! Off she goes, searching her neighborhood for someone who needs a baby. The woman with seventeen cats doesn't want the baby. Nor does the grumpy man by the bus stop. It looks as though all hope is lost, until a friendly truck driver passes by. He offers to trade his truck for the baby--an exchange Robin can't refuse. Colorful and fun, Robert Munsch's zany stories and Michael Martchenko's illustrations will grab
Metropolis (Harbou Thea Von)(Pevná vazba)
584 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Andrew Martin: Interior Design Review - The Definitive Guide to the World's Top 100 Designers (Waller Martin)(Pevná vazba)
1 153 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024
The anniversary edition of Andrew Martin Interior Design Review brings together the latest and most exceptional creations from the best international designers, creating a diverse collection; dive into the inspiring world of interior
John: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul R. C.)(Pevná vazba)
654 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
If you start at the beginning of the New Testament and read straight through, first you'll find three similar accounts of Jesus' life. Then you come to the gospel of John. From recounting Jesus' signs to recording His famous I am statements, John puts a spotlight on Jesus' redemptive work so that others will believe and be saved. In this volume, Dr. R.C. Sproul provides an introduction to John in his accessible, conversational style. Each chapter is packed with insights and exhortations to draw you closer to the life and light of the Savior.Dr. Sproul's expositional commentaries help you understand key theological themes and apply them to all areas of your life. Drawn from decades of careful study and delivered from a pastor's heart, these sermons are readable, practical, and thoroughly Bible-centered. Here is your opportunity to learn from a trusted teacher and theologian as
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence (Moravec Hans P.)(Paperback)
1 147 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Imagine attending a lecture at the turn of the twentieth century in which Orville Wright speculates about the future of transportation, or one in which Alexander Graham Bell envisages satellite communications and global data banks. Mind Children, written by an internationally renowned roboticist, offers a comparable experience--a mind-boggling glimpse of a world we may soon share with our artificial progeny. Filled with fresh ideas and insights, this book is one of the most engaging and controversial visions of the future ever written by a serious scholar. Hans Moravec convincingly argues that we are approaching a watershed in the history of life--a time when the boundaries between biological and postbiological intelligence will begin to dissolve. Within forty years, Moravec believes, we will achieve human equivalence in our machines, not only in their capacity to reason
Casino Management in Integrated Resorts (Lam Desmond)(Paperback)
1 261 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Casino Management in Integrated Resorts introduces students to the changing nature of casino businesses within the framework of an integrated resort or hospitality organisation. In the new integrated casino model, casinos play an important role not only in revenue generation but in supporting the other amenities in the resort, including bars, restaurants, hotels and theme parks. This book brings readers up to speed with the challenges of managing a casino within this rapidly expanding gaming-leisure-tourism industry. It covers a range of essential topics, such as the basic psychology of casino gaming, the role and history of casinos within an integrated resort, staffing, floor design, table and slot game management, control and security, marketing and social impact. Written in an accessible style, this book is suitable for readers with no prior knowledge of, or
Economics for Beginners (Prentice Andrew)(Pevná vazba)
259 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Nobody has everything they need, all the time - so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright infographics, this informative book describes why markets are so important, how businesses work out what to sell, and how governments choose how to run a
Cryptography Made Simple (Smart Nigel)(Pevná vazba)
1 362 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
In this introductory textbook the author explains the key topics in cryptography. He takes a modern approach, where defining what is meant by "secure" is as important as creating something that achieves that goal, and security definitions are central to the discussion throughout.The author balances a largely non-rigorous style -- many proofs are sketched only -- with appropriate formality and depth. For example, he uses the terminology of groups and finite fields so that the reader can understand both the latest academic research and "real-world" documents such as application programming interface descriptions and cryptographic standards. The text employs colour to distinguish between public and private information, and all chapters include summaries and suggestions for further reading.This is a suitable textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in computer
Anna Akhmatova: Poems (Akhmatova Anna)(Pevná vazba)
306 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
From her appearance in a small magazine in 1906 to her death in 1965, Anna Akhmatova was a dominant presence in Russian literary
Killings at Kingfisher Hill (Hannah Sophie)(Paperback)
325 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
The world's greatest detective, Hercule Poirot-legendary star of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile-returns to solve a fiendish new
Writing, Grade 2 (Kumon Publishing)(Paperback)
251 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
By checking their answers and correcting errors on their own, children can master important academic skills and foster a sense of independence that will help them develop into self-motivated learners. Kumon Writing workbooks offer a complete lesson plan for developing writing skills and vocabulary. The purpose of these workbooks it to teach children how to write sentences with proper punctuation and grammar, and to complete a five-paragraph essay. Topics Include: -Vocabulary -Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives -Irregular verbs -Contractions -Subjects and predicates -Punctuation -Writing a
Alias Grace (Atwood Margaret)(Paperback)
281 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
The bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments reveals the life of one of the most notorious women of the nineteenth century in this shadowy, fascinating novel (Time). - A Netflix original miniseries.It's 1843, and Grace Marks has been convicted for her involvement in the vicious murders of her employer and his housekeeper and mistress. Some believe Grace is innocent; others think her evil or insane. Now serving a life sentence, Grace claims to have no memory of the murders. An up-and-coming expert in the burgeoning field of mental illness is engaged by a group of reformers and spiritualists who seek a pardon for Grace. He listens to her story while bringing her closer and closer to the day she cannot remember. What will he find in attempting to unlock her memories? Captivating and disturbing, Alias Grace showcases
Selected Poems of W B Yeats: York Notes Advanced - everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for 2021 assessments and 2022 exams (Jeffares Derry)(Paperback / softback)
237 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
'York Notes Advanced' offer an accessible approach to English Literature. This series has been completely updated to meet the needs of today's A-level and undergraduate students. Written by established literature experts, York Notes Advanced introduce students to more sophisticated analysis, a range of critical perspectives and wider
Inner Life of Animals - Surprising Observations of a Hidden World (Wohlleben Peter)(Paperback / softback)
258 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
We tend to assume that we are the only living things able to experience feelings but have you ever wondered what's going on in an animal's head? From the leafy forest floor to the inside of a bee hive, The Inner Life of Animals opens up the animal kingdom like never
Free Will, Responsibility, and Crime: An Introduction (Levy Ken M.)(Paperback)
842 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
In his book, philosopher and law professor Ken Levy explains why he agrees with most people, but not with most other philosophers, about free will and responsibility. Most people believe that we have both - that is, that our choices, decisions, and actions are neither determined nor undetermined but rather fully self-determined. By contrast, most philosophers understand just how difficult it is to defend this "metaphysical libertarian" position. So they tend to opt for two other theories: "responsibility skepticism" (which denies the very possibility of free will and responsibility) and "compatibilism" (which reduces free will and responsibility to properties that are compatible with determinism). In opposition to both of these theories, Levy explains how free will and responsibility are indeed metaphysically possible. But he also cautions against the dogma that metaphysical
Rosewater - Book 1 of the Wormwood Trilogy, Winner of the Nommo Award for Best Novel (Thompson Tade)(Paperback / softback)
230 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Rosewater is the start of a vibrant and compellingly told trilogy by one of science fiction's most engaging new voices - perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season, Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice and Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach trilogy. Winner of the inaugural Nommo Award for Best Novel, Africa's first award for speculative
The Swan: A Natural History (Schuyl Malcolm)(Pevná vazba)
610 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Stunning photographs illustrate our new natural history of the swan, this much-loved creature of beauty and grace. Professional photographer Malcolm Schuyl has studied the swan for decades -- observing, researching and photographing it throughout its life-cycle. His lively and inspirational book covers the swan in all its stages: * natural history and behaviour: bathing, preening, moulting, sleeping * breeding and courtship: mating, nesting, incubation, hatching * raising their young * swan domestication and uses throughout history * the swan in literature, myth, music, superstition * swan
Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain (Revised): Understanding the Effects of Your Wounded Past (Hegstrom Paul)(Paperback)
267 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Despair. Emotional isolation. Self-loathing. Immaturity. Abusive actions.These are just some of the damaging fragments that remain embedded within our personalities, behaviors, and souls when we are broken as children. The memory of the past may seem distant and clouded, but within its scars deep wounds remain that continue to inflict pain upon our adult lives--and often end up spilling into the lives of others.In Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain, Paul Hegstrom, author of Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them, shows us the scars from his broken childhood and shares practical and proven methods for facing and dealing with the pain of the past. By using scientific research, psychological studies, and biblical principles--especially those found in the Jewish model of raising children--he points us to the place of healing where we are finally free to pursue authentic relationships and build
Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Gods & Goddesses: Print Purchase Includes Free Online Access (Salem Press)(Pevná vazba)
6 806 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Examines the stories associated with gods and goddesses: their relationships with each other and with human beings; their faults, foibles, strengths, and powers. This set offers explanations of how the gods and goddesses gifted humans with life, water, fire, music, and dance. Nearly 220 essays detail gods and goddesses from around the
Ephesians: Our Immeasurable Blessings in Christ (MacArthur John F.)(Paperback)
286 Kč
* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024
Self-satisfaction and complacency: these could very well be a Christian's greatest enemies. And these are the enemies that the apostle Paul addresses in his letter to the Ephesians. Pastor John MacArthur will take you through Ephesians, passage by passage, so that you can better understand the Christian encouragement and warnings in this book.When Paul wrote his letter to the believers in the city of Ephesus, he wrote to remind them of their immeasurable blessings in Jesus Christ and to admonish them to live in a manner worthy of them. Paul reminds them of the spiritual armor supplied through God's Word and by His Spirit, and of their need for vigilant and persistent prayer. --ABOUT THE SERIES--The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John

V kategorii Filmy, knihy, hry na najdete široký výběr zábavy pro každého. S naším rozmanitým sortimentem se můžete ponořit do světa nekonečných příběhů, dobrodružství a zábavy. V naší nabídce filmů naleznete ty nejnovější blockbusterové hity, kultovní klasiky i skryté perly, které vás budou držet v napětí od první do poslední minuty. Knihomolové pak ocení naši širokou paletu literatury, zahrnující bestsellery, sci-fi, detektivky, romantiku a mnoho dalšího. S našimi knihami se můžete ponořit do jiných světů a prožít dojemné příběhy. Milovníci her u nás najdou počítačové hry, konzolové hry, deskové hry a mnoho dalšího. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jste fanoušky her s fantasy, dobrodružnými cestami nebo sportovními simulátory - u nás si vybere každý. Prozkoumejte naše bohaté katalogy, porovnejte ceny a najděte si to nejlepší, co vás bude bavit. Na vám umožňujeme jednoduchý a pohodlný nákup, abyste se mohli co nejdříve ponořit do světa filmů, knih a her, který vám přinese nekonečné hodiny zábavy.


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