Rychlé dodání
Po celé ČR
Richard Gordon maps out new territory in the rarely explored intersection of science and spirituality in this fascinating investigation of the profound relationship between matter and consciousness. Building on the Quantum-Touch technique he developed in previous books, Gordon explains how the hands-on energy healing technique that he uses to help to alleviate nerve pain, headaches, back pain, hip pain, TMJ, and more provides a unique window onto the secret nature of matter. He explains how, by examining pelvic and occipital torsion, and then aligning people without the use of touch or suggestion, he is able to run a wide range of simple experiments that challenge many dogmas of science. This book teaches readers the technique along with 57 easy-to-reproduce experiments that allow them to test the results. These experiments clearly demonstrate that our consciousness can profoundly
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GEIS | 79 Kč |
Po celé ČR
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