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EAN: 9780470112694
In today's competitive business environment, a well thought out business plan is more important than ever before. Not only can it assist you in raising the money needed to start or expand a business-by attracting the interest of potential investors-but it can also help you keep tabs on your progress once the business is up and running. Completely revised and updated to reflect today's dynamic business environment, The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, Third Edition leads you carefully through every aspect involved in researching, writing, and presenting a winning business plan. Illustrating each step of this process with realistic examples, this book goes far beyond simply discussing what a business plan is. It explains why certain information is required, how it may best be presented, and what you should be aware of as both a preparer and reviewer of such a proposal.
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GEIS | 79 Kč |
Po celé ČR
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