Rychlé dodání
Po celé ČR
EAN: 9781032374420
Death, Dying and Palliative Care in Children and Young People: Perspectives from Health Psychology examines the issues relevant to children and young people living with serious illness and their families by taking a closer look at the literature and knowledge around the processes of care, health, well-being and development through a health psychology lens. The text introduces readers to the general palliative and holistic care needs of children and young people along with the nuances of caring relationships. The chapters discuss the vulnerabilities encountered in living with serious illness and facing a shortened life prognosis, being at the end of life, and issues relative to the historical concept of the 'good death' or 'dying well', grief, and bereavement. The author examines how individual and familial experiences can be multi-layered, which can
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GEIS | 79 Kč |
Po celé ČR
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