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Po celé ČR
EAN: 9781404117594
The real talk you want about pregnancy, birth, body image, and the newborn days from Meghan Trainor, the chart-topping singer-songwriter behind "All About That Bass" and "Dear Future Husband," and, more importantly, Riley's mom.Meghan Trainor has wanted to be a mom since before she even knew how babies were made. From the moment she discovered she was pregnant with her first child--her son, Riley--she was fascinated by the entire experience.Yes, pregnancy and motherhood are miracles--but even a miracle can freak you out sometimes. Everyone has an opinion on what an expectant mother should feel, think, or do during her pregnancy, and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed with app notifications, well-meaning questions, and unsolicited advice that comes from friends, family, and perfect strangers.Dear Future Mama is a heartfelt and humorous
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GEIS | 79 Kč |
Po celé ČR
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