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Po celé ČR
EAN: 9781781554678
The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress began her life at the Boeing Aircraft Corp back in 1946. She was the answer to the problem that General Curtis LeMay of the USAF was looking for: A BIG bomber. The B-52, in 1955 entered the service of the USAF and as of 2016 she is still in service and on active duty. The B-52 had lived through the Cold War, being on alert 24/7 in case the Russian Bear stepped out of line. The B-52 saw service in the Vietnam War of which Operation Rolling Thunder became one of the monumental programs in USAF history. The B-52 went on to service in the deserts of the Middle East in Operation Desert Storm and later in Enduring Freedom and Afghanistan. Through all this, the B-52 has stood for the many revisions, from A to H, that have been done to her massive airframe and her cockpit, which is now an up to-date glass cockpit. Of the 744 that were built 85 of the H model still
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Po celé ČR
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